Tuesday, September 04, 2012

2012 Harvesting

It was a rough year to say the least...
we had a early spring warm up which brought out the buds about 2 weeks early..
Then we got hit by a hard freeze for two nights.
Luckily I now have a bunch of old sheets stored that I use to cover them for such nights so no repeat of 2 years ago where I had two vines basically killed by the freeze.

Late Spring and early summer were very wet, especially at night.
Due to no issues last year I was not prepared for it and I ended up with quite a bit of Black Rot :(   next year I will spray as a precautionary step.

So, it was Labor day weekend again and decided to harvest..
Last year Labor day weekend gave me Brix level of about 21 and in my haste I harvested too early and had to fight Acidity levels through out the process.
This years Brix level was between 24 and 26 so a lot higher sugar levels which should help the acid levels.

I spent Sunday, September 2nd from 10am to 5pm harvesting and then crushing the grapes.
Last year I ended up with about 2 gallons of Must.. This year I have just over 4 Gallons!

Last year with 2 Gallons of Must I ended up with 1 1/2 gallons pressed and 7 bottles of wine..
So, I should be close to doubling the bottles this year!!

The yeast is now hard at work and I should be pressing by the weekend.. :)

Here are a couple of Pictures pre-harvest:

Also took a short video:

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